Gender stereotypes and standards for women, ensure that most of the unpaid work in heterosexual relationships lands squarely with women to undertaken – even if women and men work similar hours. Whether it is doing the laundry, overseeing homework, driving kids to afterschool activities or caring for elderly parents, being solely in charge of household routines and tasks has been found to negatively influence mental and emotional health. While men today do more housework and parenting than their forefathers, studies have shown women are still responsible for a larger share of physical, emotional and invisible labor at home.
That’s why Eve Rodsky, a Harvard-educated lawyer who works as an organizational management specialist overseeing philanthropy funds at Fortune 500 companies, is determined to “create a system for domestic rebalance.” After interviewing 500 men and women, Eve came up with the system which she outlines in her book, "Fair Play: The 5 New Rules to Revolutionize Your Marriage, Home and Sense of Purpose."
In this episode, Eve will share how you can create equality in your household and why this is so important for men and women’s career success and fulfillment.
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