Wednesday May 13, 2020
(SPECIAL EPISODE) Dr. Ken Duckworth: How To Manage Your Mental Health
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and isolation efforts in March, Americans have reported negative mental health outcomes. Whether it’s because they’ve lost a job or are in fear losing one, they’re struggling to piece together money to pay bills, or they’re worried about their health and safety (or that of everyone in their house), the continuous onslaught of worry and insecurity is leading to greater mental health issues than ever before. Today, most people who are in lockdown are reporting symptoms and signs of depression, anxiety, and fear. This increase has been sustained for several weeks and shows no signs yet of fading.
In this episode, we are going to unpack mental health and discuss how you can manage your mental and emotional wellbeing during this time. Ken Duckworth, M.D., chief medical officer of the National Alliance on Mental Illness will be joining us on this episode. Dr. Duckworth will share all the strategies you can use to look after yourself during COVID 19 and beyond.